Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Talk Of War

When I listen to this talk of war,
I see that creates its own gravity,
orbiting with impunity
around our collective insanity.
It is pushing, pulling events
into odd, warped patterns,
sending fleets out on
manufactured missions.
I am ascending to near reason
in order to land
between war and now,
where seeds of peace have been sewn,
where no one dies a silly death.
Someone you might know
died on a battlefield today.
It was supposed to be
someone else,
one of those
other guys.

You know, the dead all get together,
dance at rude reunions, dancing dead dances,
some with parts removed.
It's front page stuff
because the dead ooze news
and the media dreams of multiple fronts,
and some folks think that
guns are fun.

I think what we want is stillness;
no nearby thuds or thumps,
no screech of shells incoming from arc-lit skies.

I think what we really want is

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